Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Homosexuality and Christian Community

This book, edited by Choon-Leong Seow, is a gathering of informed theolgical viewpoints of the PTS faculty in 1997 over the issue of homosexuality, and how it has been dividing the church. Ten years later, and it is still dividing us.

Can we move forward? Is there a place for post-conflict Scriptural interpretation that can allow us to honor the past of our interpretation of Scripture while at the same time coming to terms with the present crisis?

I found a lot of material in here that has prompted me to further thinking and reflection, things that as I work them through, will hopefully end up here, in some coherence.

I know there is an answer, one that honors our God and the Scriptures left to us, one that honors our brothers and sisters in Christ, one that will lead us forward to a more diverse and strengthened congregation. I think I have a little bit of the prophet stuck in my throat.

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