Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The New GA

I was impressed by most of what I saw coming out of the new G.A. It was the first time since I was ordained that it did not seem like we were eating our own young.

We have not taken a stand on hypocrisy, nor greed, nor any of the other seven deadly sins. We have not taken a stand on marital infidelity or adultery or idolatry.

When I talk about taking a stand, I am talking about singling out specific sins for inclusion in the Book of Order so that everyone knows who we are excluding. We certainly condemn all the rest of it, but if we came down on marital infideliy...adultery...the way we've been coming down on homosexuality.

But like I said, I am impressed. I see forward thinking, I see peace, I see common cause, things which Presbyterians have traditionally been very, very good at. I have hope...again. I have some residual bitterness, which I am working out, as in this blog.

I am not a prophet (I hope), but I will make a prediction. Watch out world, the mainline church is coming back and the Presby's will be in the lead.