Thursday, November 6, 2008

Inerrancy and Homosexuality

I am a strong proponent of the inspiration and the inerrancy of Scripture. I am also a strong believer in the ongoing need to review and reconsider our interpretations of the inerrant Word of God.

Genesis teaches that God created man and woman in God's image. It teaches that there is a combined effect of image borne in a monogamous relationship. Genesis also teaches how sin has entered the world and creation itself is fallen under the effects of sin. I believe that tainting has struck even to the biological levels of our humanity.

I had someone describe this as the 'freakshow defense'. Simply put, there are physical specimens of humanity that defy the created order of Genesis. Biologically, they do not fall under the perfection of Eden that "man and woman God created them". Nonsexual humans, humans with the sexual organs of males and females, humans with none, have been reported in the medical literature.

So what do we do with people like this? Because the bible says 'man and woman', are we to assume these people do not seek to have a monogomous relationship-recognizing the great difficulties that presents. Or are 'man and woman' titles that refer to the pre-Fallen condition of humanity?

Then here comes the possibility that I am riding a sled down the slippery slope. If sin has confused the biological definitions of 'man and woman', what about other possibilities? What about "a woman trapped in a man's body" and vice versa? What about people who would be considered beyond reproach in every other part of their lives assumed to be liars when they say their sexual preference for the biological same sex is not a choice, but hardwired?

The easiest decision we can make is simply to ignore the catastrophic effects of sin beyond the power of personal choice and condemn those of homosexual persuasions among us that they have made a sinful choice. That is what the bible teaches, right? Maybe on a superficial read.

But the love of God, the mercy of God, the redemption of God overcomes the effects of sin, we believe that comes by grace in Jesus Christ. And there are convincing testimonies out there from Christians who do not believe their sexuality is a choice-and those who live homosexual lives are condemned for it.

I think the rest of us have committed a sin by our condemnations, without daring to err on the side of mercy, without daring to admit that we are very likely wrong.

Because the inerrant Bible teaches that we are all created in the image of God, that we are all Children of the Living God, brothers and sisters of Jesus, and that we must live by love, not judgment.

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