Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Where our Hope and Faith Are, So Is Our Worship . . .

There is nobody making the Credit Markets or the Stock Markets go up or down. There is no force in the financial system that drives what happens, not bankers or analysts or government officials or men in black suits behind drawn curtains. It is 'we the people'. And it scares me.

If 'we the people' have confidence in the markets, they will go up. Governments can pump billions and trillions of dollars into the system, but it will mean nothing if 'we the people' are convinced it means nothing.

But apparently, if we can trust the system, if we can hope in the system, if we can put our faith and confidence back into the financial system, it will go up. It was faith and confidence in the market that made it go up and up and up and up and up until the housing bust. But then again, it could have kept going up forever, if we believed that it could.

If 'we the people' believed that housing values could go up forever, despite what the experts said, then they could have.

Because we made this god in our own image. We want to be rich. We want our money to go forever. And we love that money and everything it allows us to go.

But therein is the root of the evil. We love the money, we fall into greed, we take as much as we can, we look to ourselves and not our neighbors, and we have broken the Second Law of Jesus, Love thy Neighbor as Thyself.

And now we reap what we have sown.

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