Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Ten and Ten

Today is a two-part appeal of faith to the community of the First Presbyterian Church of Perth Amboy.  The first is an appeal of attendance.  There are many in our church family.  I am requesting and praying in faith that we see ten of our community return to worship with us.  Do I mean every Sunday?  Well, a pastor can dream.  No, a return to church for more than one Sunday over the next couple of months.

Well, what if we have kids?  Two things.  The first will be a children’s sermon during worship.  The second will be a commitment to some time after church with family and pastor for faith based, kid-friendly activities (the only reservations being on a couple of holiday Sundays).  What is that going to look like?  It is going to look like something customized to the kids coming with their family.

Do the kids count toward the ten?  Absolutely.  But I would like to have way more than ten.

Who will you find when you come to worship?  The Present Ten.  We have a cadre of the faithful who are there, pardon the pun, faithfully.  Come and join us.  

Will attendees get a sticker or something?  I do not know.  That is not the kind of thing God has gifted me to excel at.  But if there is someone reading this who is so inspired, absolutely. Please reach out to me so we can coordinate this.

Ten and ten.  The second ten is Ten Thousand.  $10,000.  We have roof repairs to get done that will bring our church back into the usual market for insurance instead of the excess and surplus market, where we currently lie.  It will mean a savings of that much or more to the insurance bill of the church.  But we do not have that money all up front. 

So this is an appeal to fix the roof.  $10,000 is a guesstimate based on past work.  But inflation is killing us, so generosity is our desire.  This is your church, this is our church.  Please contact me, Pastor Peter, if you have any questions.  The church does not exist in a vacuum.  The building is a gorgeous house for the people who are the reality of our church and congregation.  We need your support to make it good, better, and best.

Ten and ten.

According to our church’s constitution, members of a church are marked by those who participate in the work and worship of the place.  I am asking for you to join us in this endeavor.  This is the day, this is the house that the Lord has made.  Let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Pastor Peter

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