Monday, April 3, 2023

Reading the Story of Holy Week

Holy Week constitutes one quarter of the Gospel of Matthew, 8 chapters, 21-28. It is an ideal opportunity for devotional reading, a chapter a day. And you are invited to do so this week.

Today would be a longer passage, complete Matthew 21 and read Matthew 22. The Triumphal Entry is done in the first 17 verses of Matthew 21.

Monday: Matthew 21:18-22 to the end.

Tuesday: Matthew 23

Wednesday: Matthew 24

Thursday: Matthew 25

Friday: Matthew 26

Saturday: Matthew 27

Easter Sunday: Matthew 28

And here is an added bit for our devotional consideration. Take each section of each chapter into the context of Palm Sunday, of the Triumphal Entry. Something like this,

“Jesus entered into Jerusalem, riding on a donkey, and the people hailed him as King with “Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord!” and then read what comes next.

As a shorthand, maybe “Jesus entered into Jerusalem as a king” and…

So, for example, to continue our reading in chapter 21, there are four other distinct sections. So,

“Jesus entered into Jerusalem as a king and”…(21:18-22) Jesus cursed the fig tree.

“Jesus entered into Jerusalem as a king and”…(21:23-27) the Leadership challenged his authority in the temple.

“Jesus entered into Jerusalem as a king and”…(21:28-32) he told the parable of two sons.

“Jesus entered into Jerusalem as a king and”…(21:33-46) he told the parable of the wicked tenants.

Later pieces in the gospel will take on a different spin, “Jesus entered into Jerusalem as a king and” instituted the Last Supper; foretold the denial of Peter; spoke of the destruction of the temple; was arrested, tried, and executed.

Consider what Jesus has done for us as our King throughout the events of Holy Week. If nothing else, it will push our thinking, push our faith.

Pastor Peter

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