Friday, April 14, 2023

Easter, Does The Sheen Begin to Dull?

It is almost a week since the Resurrection. Is it still as exciting to us? Has it faded back into the ebb and flow of daily living? Are we at a point where our concerns are more about throwing away the leftovers of our Easter feasting, over and against continuing to meditate on the rising again of our Savior? I get the part about leftovers. There have been Easters when I have counted the days, weighing in my mind the 'prayerful' notion that the Lord will preserve hard boiled eggs painted to honor Jesus for just one more round of egg salad...

Depending on the school calendar, this might be the last day of spring break (for us, Easter was the last day of our spring break). Easter seems a natural benchmark for spring break. Passover can also influence the timing, depending on the needs of the teaching and/or student populations.

On the Church Calendar, we are in the Easter Season. We use the very creative title for Sundays after Easter as “Sunday after Easter” up until Pentecost. Which makes sense for us. When Jesus came back, he hung out for ten days until Ascension (next Thursday), then told the disciples to chill for another 40 days. Until Jesus returned, fulfilling his promise from John, returning in the person of the Holy Spirit. Then all heaven broke loose and the church’s one foundation (Jesus Christ our Lord) was built upon to where we are today.

But I would invite you to take a moment to reflect. He is Risen. He is Risen indeed. The calendar might continue to move, but the grace of the moment never changes. 

Pastor Peter

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