Thursday, March 30, 2023

The Lord Preserves Us: In This Life or The Next

 When the Lord promises not to give us things that are too big for us to handle, there is a caveat there which requires some serious reflection. Through God, we may handle it, but we might not survive it. The promise of God’s grace may not be in this life, but in the life to come.

That is kind of dark, isn’t it? Sometimes life is extremely dark. Look at what is happening in California. They are taking hit after hit from the weather. Look at what is happening in Ukraine. There is a war going on there that is chewing up people and resources, seemingly inching the world toward a nuclear confrontation as Russia seems ever more desperate.

More than one hundred and three MILLION Americans have been diagnosed with Covid as of 2/22/23. There were over a quarter of a million cases that week. More than one MILLION Americans have died from Covid. Sometimes life is extremely dark.

Are we going to talk seriously about the ways humanity is destroying the earth? About global warming? Pollution? Exploitation? Are we going to consider it for the reality it is? Or are we going to bow to the lies of political extremism? Life is extremely dark.

Yet the Lord does not give us something too big for us to handle. Maybe now is the time to open our eyes and consider just how big the problems are that we need the Lord to handle.

Pastor Peter

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