Martin Luthor was not a fan of the letter of James in the New Testament. Because James said “Faith without works is dead” in a time of theological reformation where the Christian faith had devolved to being all about "works", or paying for works, instead of faith in Jesus Christ.
But James does not separate those two, faith and works. They are partners of the active Christian life. When I talk about ‘service’, or Christian service, it is in the understanding of James, of doing good works.. Doing things for others in the name of Jesus. Matthew 25, leading off with feeding the hungry, provides a biblical primer on where to begin a course of good works.
For the Christian, consider this as 'mindfulness' in action. It is not simply pausing to assess what we are feeling, but assessing while we are doing as well. Let us be aware of Christ when doing good works. Do good works in gratitude to the good works of Christ. If you make a 'to do' list for the day, pause to look for Jesus in each opportunity. Can't find him? Give yourself time.
Faith and works are meant to feed one another. To know the love and salvation of Jesus Christ is life-changing, on an eternal scale. To apply that love in helping someone else, that is life-changing in the world as we have it. Consider it deepening our heartfelt knowledge of what Jesus has done for us. Do Christian work intentionally, because each work cultivates Jesus more powerfully in our hearts.
Pastor Peter
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