Thursday, September 17, 2015

What Shall We Teach Our Children?

This Sunday is Rally Day, the Kick Off to our Sunday School year.  Our passage in Scripture, John 6:35-40, speaks directly to what it is we have a Sunday School for.  We want to teach our children that Jesus is the Bread of Life.  We want them to know the truth, that in Jesus, they will never hunger or thirst for the ultimate things, the spiritual things of life and what is beyond life.

But do we hit them with the entire truth of the sinfulness of the world?  Of the evil that surrounds us?  Of just what it is that Jesus' death and resurrection do, in fact, overcome?  Or should our teaching be more age appropriate?  More graded to the maturity and the readiness of our children to accept the truth of life?

This Sunday begins a three Sunday series (broken up by the first Sunday of October, when Mjr. Betty Israel will be leading worship), a series that will look at how Jesus develops and deepens his explanation of being the Bread of Life, how it truly impacts and applies to our lives, how it is dependent on how our own knowledge and faith deepen as we act in His name.

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