Friday, December 19, 2014

Setting aside the “Job”

Ecclesiastes 3: 2b “…and a time to pluck up what is planted…”
For First Responders
You put down roots in this Job.  For some, twenty five years out, for others it comes far sooner, due to injury or illness.  Some wait for whatever Social Security mandates as the time to go.  The nature of the Job is ultimately debilitating, by chemicals and toxic substances; by interactions with people who were devastated, injured, maimed, killed.  Are you haunted by the one you couldn’t help?
There is the trouble from ‘your side’, budget, public perception, and “management”.  One day you are the hero, the next day someone steps up with their boot to your neck.
You do not ‘quit’ the Job.  Because it is not a “job”.  When helping others, it is a vocation, and the closer to the line of death that you help them from, the deeper that vocation burrows into your heart.  And when you open your heart, you leave yourself vulnerable.  It lets you care mightily and it leaves you to get hurt mightily.
When the time comes, pluck up what you planted.  The Job will always be a part of you.  Enjoy the relief of being off THAT clock.  Grief the loss of this life-saving work.  Decide right now that you are going to move on.  Find the people to help you make the transition. 
Because there is a new place waiting for you to put down roots once again.

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