Thursday, December 18, 2014

Canceling “The Interview”

Proverbs 26: 12a “Do you see persons wise in their own eyes?”
They should have let it be.

They believe they were “successful”.  After hacking into Sony Studios and threatening the lives of movie goers, the terrorist-hackers have gotten “The Interview” pulled before release.  It has been shelved, “permanently”.

Do they not know who they are dealing with?

In light of Pearl Harbor Day not long passed, do they not realize how dangerous it is to poke a sleeping bear?  I am not saying that we are headed to war, but retribution will be swift and humorous.

Despite what he has done, Bill Cosby epitomized what will come next.  He read a letter on a television special from a Representative to the Dental Industry, protesting how he makes fun of dentists.  He read the letter solemnly, with dignity, before pulling out all the stops, the lesson being: “Lighten up.”

The sleeping bear of the American Entertainment-Industrial Complex has been awaked!!  In the land where Jon Stewart is the most popular ‘news anchor’ since Walter Cronkite, where all the worst excesses of consumerism come out of Hollywood, do they truly believe there will be no response?

They should have let it lie, endured it, let it get panned at Cannes, ignored at the Academy Awards.  When Randy Moore released “Escape From Tomorrow”, filmed surreptitiously at the Disney theme parks, Disney did not react or retaliate.  When Al Franken wrote “Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Idiot”, Rush Limbaugh ignored its existence.  Each had its  time and we moved on.  Had either target reacted, we would see the true definition of something ‘going viral’.

They should have let it be.

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