Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Basic Training

So, this blog is going to become a month long reflection on whatever I happen to be reading at the moment.  We'll see what happens.  Find a book part and a bible part, and maybe a connection between the two.

Warrior Grunt: Start, "Warrior Psychology & Mental Toughness for Excelling in Basic Training" by Michael J. Asken and Robert E. Obrecht.  80 pgs.

Major title for a slim work on what can be done to prepare for the military.  Seem like a very strange book for a pastor to read?  Perhaps, but wait.

I am about half way through, and I think this book will do what it claims on the cover "What you need to know-What you need to do". 

It is not so much on physical toughness but mental toughness.  Tips for how to prepare, for what to expect, strategies to cope in a tough situation, for mustering and reducing adrenalin, for focus.

What I can say is that through my other studies as a law enforcement chaplain, as a pastor, as one who seeks to prepare as a warrior and a healer, is that the information is good.

I read this for me and my work.  Personal toughness as a Christian living in a sinful world is not to be underrated.  Seeking to lead others in the Christian life led me to seek out whatever strategies might work.  And short of living out the joys of basic training, or-in my work-the police academy, I seek to find the best materials written for the preparation of warriors. 

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