Thursday, June 6, 2024

Contemplation for the Non-Mystic Book of Orderly Presbyterian...

     At the intersection of our thought processes and our love of God is 'contemplation'.  This is not 'theology', thinking about our faith and our God relative to our neighbor.  Contemplation is thinking about our God.  But in thought, word, and deed, there is more rolled into our thoughts than a simple intellectual enterprise.

    "Thoughts" are what we do not say and what we do not do.  Thoughts are the motivations for those things.  Thoughts are not just the 'logical' expressions and considerations of our brains.  Thoughts encompass feelings and imagination and reaction and sensory perception and transcendence.  "Thinking" and "hearting" and "muscle memory" and our well of being in our very souls find their expression in 'thought'.  

    I had to work at this one because it was the weakest, in my considertion of the Easter Six.  But the Lord has a way of opening eyes and hearts if we are willing to pay attention.  Because of Stewardship, of all things.  

    It was a matter of picture what we are willing to pay for in a church.  Picture multigenerational, picture needing more hymnals and pew bibles to supply the balcony, picture two services, picture the results of God's love flowing in this community.  This picture, this vision, this imagined potential, this reflection on the goodness and capacities of our God, is contemplation.  

    To God be the glory, Great Things He hath done.  Greater Things He is Going to Do.  Here.  With us.


Pastor Peter

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