Tuesday, June 14, 2016

When It Comes to Guns, Lets Back the Constitution!

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."  Second Amendment to the Constitution, I love it.  There are T-shirts with slogans about this that I have not bought because they were just too good.

Bring back real, well regulated Militias.  Want a gun, be in a 'militia'.  I am not talking about military-style units akin to the National Guard units.  I am also not talking about those 'militias' forming up to do battle with our governmental authorities.

What I am talking about is a place where people can receive proper instruction on gun use and gun safety, where they can practice, where their guns can be inspected to be in proper working order, where they can be disposed of if someone so chooses.  There are enough military vets, retired cops from agencies local to federal, and capable, trained individuals to lead these militias.  The NRA has done fantastic work on gun safety so there are materials ready to go to teach and train people.

The Constitution speaks of the right to keep and bear arms.  Those are two different things.  The first implies collectability.  The second implies competency.  That is where the militias come in.  Register and regulate these militias at the state level.  Mandate some level of competency and responsibility for the leadership of the militias.  Provide some minimal standards of safety and competency. 

The right of the people to keep and bear Arms is not a right that exists in a vacuum.  This right is derived from the necessity of the security for our nation.  That requires some kind of standard.

Standards exist.  I cannot drive a car unless I have passed a driver's test.  I cannot get drugs legally unless I consult with a competent medical authority.  I think it is reasonable to demand that people have some competency and responsibility when they exercise their right to keep and bear arms.  A well regulated militia is tailor made to answer those concerns.

And it is already there for us, right in the Constitution. 

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