I went to a County training yesterday in putting on the Personal Protective Equipment that would be used by Health Department personnel in case of an Ebola outbreak in Middlesex County. My God, what a humbling experience.
Everything that I equip myself with for the role and office of pastor is sealed up under plastic and packing tape.
Ebola is carried in human liquids, thus to prevent its transmission, one must be self-contained against spills, sprays, splashes, and spittings, especially to the eyes, nose, and mouth, or to an open wound. So, there are surgical gloves underneath and kitchen-scrubbing gloves over top, duct-taped to the Tyvek outfit. There are my glasses, a breathing mask, a hood, and a face shield on top of that. Even my shoes were covered. And eleven to fourteen steps just to put them on correctly. And this is just to go in and see someone.
When you emerge, expect to be hosed down with a bleach mixture against any liquids that found there way onto your person. And pray the plastic and packing tape didn't rip!
You got nothing but the Spirit in that moment. There is no way to carry in a bible or prayer book. Crosses and jewelry are forbidden because they might tear the suit. There is barely even the ministry of presence available.
There is NO skin to skin contact, there is layered eye contact, there is no facial expression or physical expression of love or hope to offer under that armor. Even my voice is muffled under the hot and smelly mask. I had nothing.
All the patient has is the sure and certain knowledge that even God's henchman comes in outfitted like every other anonymous Health Worker. What we have done, with our marvelous modern technology, is kept the patient confined to a box in quarantine. Is this more humane, a better way to preserve their dignity and the 'public good' than allowing them to walk abroad while crying out "UNCLEAN" to every normal person they meet?
I am not enough of a fool for Christ to think God would keep me from getting infected (and that would defy the whole 'thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God section), that I could defy the plastic and packing tape and go in human to human. Because, besides that patient, I have my family, my co-workers, my parishioners, the public to think about and consider.
So I have to assume that if I am ever called upon to suit up and stand like a human-esque form in plastic and packing tape, that the Spirit will still bring the power of the faith, even when I am not sure I do.
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