Saturday, November 3, 2012

What if UFO's look like airplanes?

I was walking home in the evening and I thought I was in an episode of the X-Files.  There was a light overhead, very bright, headed right toward me.  Then the light banked and the blinking lights of the wings, the full outline of the aircraft became evident, then the sound of the engines...

Okay, so it wasn't a UFO...or was it?  Here is my conspiracy.  If aliens were coming to spy on us and they could not by some cloaking technology keep us from seeing them, why not make their spaceships look like airplanes?  Makes sense, doesn't it? 

Works for the government, doesn't it?  Making the UFO's look like airplanes?

Okay Pastor...UFO's?  Do I believe in this stuff?  Well, supernatural is stock in trade for me.  Jesus, God, Holy Spirit...see where I am going?

Really?  Jesus and UFO's in the same sentence?  Well, have you read the first few chapters of Ezekiel?

So consider this:  Do you believe that angels walk among us?  The bible talks about people entertaining angels unawares.  How about something even cooler?  Angel-stuff, God-stuff walking around among us...even in us?

There is this thing we believe, that God so loved the world, that He sent His Son to dwell among us.  The promise continues, that after Jesus returned to the Heavenly Father, we were not left alone, but the Spirit of God, which came down upon Jesus at His baptism, comes down on each of us.

So next time you see an it an airplane?  Or is there a UFO inside?  Or the next time you find yourself reaching beyond yourself to do for someone else.  Is that you?  Or is the Holy Spirit inside?

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