Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A Letter to Santa, and his Boss . . .

Dear Santa,

I know you represent all that is wonderful about Christmas, a spirit of goodness where people treat each other with love and fairness, a spirit of jolly friendship to every girl and boy, and most of all, a spirit of giving to reflect the gift of Jesus.

Dear Santa,

I don’t want to “have-to” this year.

Can you make shopping be without an eye to ‘what I want’, but with the philosophy that “The gift of Christ is so meaningful to me, I want to repeat that in the gift I am about to give . . .”

Can you block out the Capitalist Religion from the news, where the headlines will be full of stories about ‘how the stores are doing’ and ‘how much people are spending’, and fill the news with stories where people are helping people, where giving is the lead, not spending, where the Spirit of Christ governs, not the spirit of money?

Can you help keep our focus on Jesus and not have our energy sapped by politically correct debates of “Happy Holidays” versus “Merry Christmas”, or letting us get all upset with mocking terms like “Chrismahanukwanzakah”?

Can you dim the lights of the crazy consumer Christmas to let the inner light of Jesus shine forth?

Dear Santa,

I want to marvel at the baby. I want to be filled with the wonder that God loved us so much that He sent His Son to us as a baby. I want to be amazed to see Jesus in the manger. I want to smell the hay and see the animals in the stable where he was born. I want to see the angels singing to the shepherds, and worship with the shepherds at the manger. I want to see the star of Jesus and I want to follow it to see the King.

Dear Jesus,

I’ve been writing a letter to your Christmas guy. Now I pray, please make this letter come true.

Love, Your annoying henchman

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