Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Falling Away

It happens to every Christian, falling away in some way or other. I don't mean necessarily from the whole church, but from some piece of our Christian life. It has been five months since I have posted, and that's because I've slipped away from the relevance of the faith on the web.

It doesn't mean faith hasn't been active, or that I haven't been active as a pastor in my church, far from it. But it means, for those months, the question of Why Bother has been fringing my blogging. Is anybody out there? If they are, do they care? Is this an exercise in personal aggrandizement (spelt right first time out!)?

That has been part of a deeper struggle, a deeper question of Why Bother in the faith itself. Important things are going on of which I am a part. The work of Jesus is going in new and interesting directions. But it was like it was outside of me. The question has been of Jesus and I, hand in hand, when it has felt like I've been back in the line, while Jesus was out in front.

But things are are back, and better, more fun. And there are a few places I can shamelessly plug this theological diatribe.

So here we go!

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