Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Seven Hundred Billion?

"Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's, and unto God what is God's"

Do we really need to render so much cash unto the financial institutions that screwed up so royally? I was going to say stupid people making bad investments, but these are not stupid people. These are well educated, highly motivated, prime shakers and movers of the financial system. And they let their love of money outstrip all other considerations.

And now the government wants to bail them out-maybe. We don't know the final price tag. I heard in one report that all the insurance that has been written on all these financial investments is in the neighborhood of $62 Trillion (CAPITAL T), of which $700 Billion seems a drop in the bucket.

How much is this government in debt and how much more would this initial investment force us to add? It is more than 700 B. because there will be borrowing fees and interest and a cut for everyone along the way. In the end, do we sign over California to China and the Middle East to make good?

The absurdity that tickles me the most is that the presidential campaigns are saying that the people want to make this decision. No, they want to make the decision for the people. We are a representative democracy. If they really want the people to decide, make this a national referendum question on the ballet in November.

Jesus calls on us to pay our taxes, but I don't think it extends to this.

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