It is the day after Christmas. The day after we celebrated the birth of Jesus. More than a week after the shooting in Newtown, Ct. And the news has faded, falling in behind news of the Fiscal Cliff and end-of-year sales figures. After all, that is about the economy. Are you tired of hearing about it yet?
I struggled. I struggled with faith questions, trying to put together an answer for myself, something that might fly with other people as we questioned what happened. I don't have an answer, but I have come to realize again that I don't need one. I don't expect we'll ever have an answer. But I found out something of much deeper importance did happen, at least for me. Are you tired of hearing about it yet?
I know this in my head, but I received a heart lesson on the faithfulness of God. I struggled, but God was steadfast. I questioned, but Jesus held firm. I had doubts, but the Spirit did not vacate the soul of this doubter. And, a week later, when the Christmas pageant was presented in worship at our church, I believed even more of the power of Christmas.
I worry. Everyone who came in the doors of the church that morning, I scrutinized. Are they church members? Are they guests? Are they armed? That worry is still very much part of the attitude I bring into the church, but the power of the Living God is greater still.
What is different? I am. I am more sensitive to things, at least for now. I am more aware of just how precious life is, of how it can't be taken for granted. I was aware this Christmas for the first time in a long time just how incredible a thing it is that the power of the Living God was harnessed and pulled back and invested into the form of a baby.
The New Year is coming. All the hope and wonder of the New Year depends on the promises delivered at Christmas. May the New Year be one of great blessings to us all.